Searcher Seismic is currently reprocessing two prominent regional seismic datasets in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea.

The Pala-Sulu seismic survey, was acquired in 2011 to provide industry with a regional framework for understanding the prospectivity around Palawan Island, in the Philippines.

The dataset is currently being reprocessed with broadband deghosting and pre-stack depth migration to further enhance the quality of the existing data.

The Pala-Sulu survey is being processed immediately following the recently completed Mialara 2D new acquisition seismic survey, creating a comprehensive tied 10km grid over the PECR5 blocks.

In addition to the Pala-Sulu seismic survey, Searcher is also reprocessing the Lahara 2D seismic survey in Papua New Guinea.

The Lahara survey includes over 12,000 km of 2D long-offset seismic data over the south eastern Papuan Basin, which remains one of the most comprehensive seismic exploration datasets in the Gulf of Papua.

Rachel Masters, Global Sales Manager for Searcher, said the survey greatly improved the understanding of the deep compressional fold belt and changed the prospectivity outlook by showing potential for new pre-Tertiary petroleum systems.

“However, the area is plagued with a complex overburden which pushed the limits of traditional PSTM imaging.

“By applying broadband deghosting and a modern PSDM processing sequence, previous understanding of the basin is being fundamentally changed and there is fresh insight into old plays”.

Preliminary PSDM data for both surveys is available now. Contact us directly for more information.

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