Searcher Seismic in cooperation with the Philippines Department of Energy, and in conjunction with SeaBird Exploration, is pleased to announce that acquisition of the Mialara 2D seismic survey, East of Palawan in the Philippines is now complete.

The ~5,000 km survey covers an approximate 10 by 10 km grid in the Mialara sub-basin and includes coverage over the PECR5 bid round blocks 4, 5 and 6.

Fast track data will be available in December to ensure ample time for evaluation of the blocks for the PECR5 bidding round.

Rachel Masters, Global Sales Manager for Searcher Seismic, said the Mialara 2D survey follows and provides infill to Searcher’s Pala-Sulu regional multi-client 2D survey, which highlighted the prospectivity of the East Palawan basins.

“Regional evaluation of the area indicated potential for multiple play types, large structures and the presence of three proven petroleum systems.

“The Mialara 2D seismic survey provides long offset, broadband data critical to progressing the evaluation of the area,” Ms Masters added.

The Mialara 2D seismic survey was acquired in addition to the recently completed Pinatubo 2D seismic survey in West Luzon, which brings Searcher’s total data library in the Philippines to ~19,000 km.

For further information, please contact us directly.