Searcher releases MapStand and NVentures data layers on its on-demand sAIsmic platform
PERTH, WA (12 January 2021) – Searcher, a leading service provider of global geoscience products for exploration & production companies, has launched new data layers functionality on its on-demand seismic web platform, sAIsmic, from Searcher’s partnerships with MapStand and NVentures.
Searcher has released MapStand and NVentures layers functionality on sAIsmic with an info tab that allows users to view blocks, wells and field information, anywhere in the world, providing valuable location context for sAIsmic users.
“We are very excited to have launched this latest functionality on sAIsmic through the partnerships with MapStand and NVentures which highly complement the on-demand platform,” Alan Hopping, VP at Searcher stated.
“Continually developing, adding functionality and new data to the sAIsmic platform is Searcher’s primary focus to assist in advancing our clients exploration efforts. sAIsmic has been immensely transformative for our clients, especially in the way they have interacted with seismic data in 2020. With numerous clients working from home and users scattered across the globe, sAIsmic users are now able to access seismic data volumes, gathers or just a single trace instantly online,” Mr. Hopping added.
Searcher’s expanding sAIsmic on-demand data currently hosts rectified seismic in Australia, Argentina, Peru and South Africa. Searcher’s multi-client seismic data in Australia, Argentina, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Peru, Timor-Leste, Ireland, Norway and Mexico are also available on the sAIsmic platform.

About MapStand
MapStand is an online service featuring an interactive map to highlight global geo-tagged E&P activity, daily industry news, and professional profiles. MapStand is dedicated to using open data to map the global energy industry. MapStand is a free platform mapping energy infrastructure including renewables, energy transition and global oil & gas activities.
About NVentures
NVentures Ltd is an upstream exploration firm specialising in technical and commercial intelligence for explorationists. Working in the upstream sector for 25 years, the firm delivers high quality, comprehensive data and reports to oil companies and service companies worldwide. In collaboration with industry JV Partners, NVentures brings together vital technical resources to help understand exploration results and trends. NVentures is the source for up to date, insightful and well-illustrated E&P activity information, helping track activity and point to new trends and future successful exploration. Searcher also has a strategic partnership with NVentures for hosting and integrating the NVentures database on Searcher’s advanced geo-imagery search engine – GeoClerk.