Searcher announces agreement with BP and Hess for Tangier 3D in Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada
Searcher Seismic, a leading service provider of global multi-client geoscience data, acquisition and management services, today announced an agreement with BP Canada and Hess Canada with relation to brokerage of their Tangier 3D seismic Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada.
The Tangier 3D seismic survey consists of 8,502 km2 of high-quality wide-azimuth (WAZ) 3D seismic located in the central portion of the Scotian Basin. Releasing the Tangier 3D through Searcher’s multi-client database presents geoscientists with a unique opportunity to access a high resolution WAZ 3D dataset over this large prospective province for the first time.
Prior to The Tangier 3D acquisition, the imaging of thick Cretaceous and Jurassic clastic sequences in the lower slope and basin floor had been hampered by the complexities of imaging below an extensive salt canopy, a challenge similar to that encountered in the prolific deep-water Gulf of Mexico. The scale and ambition for the acquisition of the WAZ survey was built on a solid understanding of the potential of this hydrocarbon system. The 3D data has really delivered on its promise and high-resolution Kirchhoff and RTM depth processed volumes brings new clarity of imaging of the sub-salt sequences, their sand fairways and direct hydrocarbon indicators that offer new and extra-ordinary insight.
This survey was acquired in the central, sand prone portion of the Nova Scotia margin, where the newly imaged sub-canopy structural plays revealed by the Tangier 3D are of a globally significant scale. Searcher considers that the Aspy D-11 well drilled within the Tangier 3D proved the existence of a working oil generative system and further analysis has revealed additional potential in this under-explored basin, all of which is made possible by this state-of-the-art WAZ 3D seismic survey.
Neil Hodgson, Searcher’s VP Geoscience, explains, “The recent release of BP Canada’s Tangier exploration license presents explorers with a unique opportunity to explore the plays imaged by this incredible dataset. With CNSOPB’s recent completion of the area’s Strategic Environmental Assessment, a call for bids is expected to be announced this year. Improved terms coupled with the need for easily accessible energy supply provides explorers with a series of world-class opportunities to target the huge potential and quick route to market.”