Searcher Seismic is pleased to announce a commercial agreement with DownUnder GeoSolutions to market and license the Monodon UltracubeTM.

The Monodon UltracubeTMconsists of approximately 14,700 km2 3D and 2,000 km 2D reprocessed data in the prospective Northern Carnarvon Basin of the North West Shelf, Western Australia.

The project incorporates a total of sixteen individual 3D surveys and three 2D surveys shot between 1982 and 2004 and includes the reprocessing from field tapes using a state-of-the-art flow and cutting edge algorithms that include industry leading linear noise removal and regularisation (DUG Reg®).

Rachel Masters, Global Sales Manager for Searcher Seismic, said the project has excellent coverage of several areas included in the proposed 2015 Australian acreage release.

“Large scale 3D surveys of this size are invaluable for geological interpretation and basin modelling applications, and we are confident our clients will be able to utilise this data to evaluate the acreage in the area,” Ms Masters added.

The reprocessed data has been merged prior to anisotropic (TTI) pre-stack depth migration incorporating multi-iteration tomographic model building.

Data from all stages of the processing are available, including image gathers and angle stacks.

The Monodon UltracubeTM brings Searcher’s 3D database in Australia to over 57,000 km2.

To view the Monodon Ultracube Project Page – click here 

For further information, please contact us directly.