Orange Basin 3D Seismic Survey
Phase One - Bridge
Advancing exploration in one of the most exciting super basins in the world.
The Orange Basin has garnered significant attention due to its high exploration potential, and Searcher is thrilled to be at the forefront of this exciting region. Phase 1 of our Namibian Orange Basin Multi-Client 3D Seismic Survey marks the beginning of a series of five projects aimed at unlocking the basin’s hydrocarbon resources.
In partnership with Shearwater and NAMCOR, Phase 1 encompassed 1,700 square kilometers of multi-client 3D seismic data across PEL 3. The data, processed to PDSM, has unveiled critical insights into the block’s hydrocarbon potential, dramatically lowering risk and uncertainty.
The quality of the imaging far exceeded our expectations, enabling us to effectively de-risk reservoirs, sources, and traps. This comprehensive dataset offers valuable information that enhances our understanding of the geological framework and can be used to inform future exploration strategies.
This dataset kick started Searcher’s ground-breaking exploration initiative in the Orange Basin, with a number of further phases expanding the data’s reach across such an exciting basin.
Project Parameters
Project Size
1,711 km2
Project Partners
Shearwater and NAMCOR
Acquisition Parameters
Acquisition Year: 2022
Vessel: SW Empress
Streamer: Sentinel Solid Seal
Source: 3 x 2965
Source Volume: 2965
Source Depth: 8m
Streamer Length: 8,100m
Number of Streamers: 12
Streamer Seperation: 150m
Shot Interval: 16.667m
Record Length: 10 sec
Sample Rate: 2ms
Processing: Shearwater
Processing Flow: Kirchhoff PSDM
Raw PSDM Angle Stacks (Full, Near, Mid, Far, Ultra-Far),
Final PSDM Angle Stacks (Full, Near, Mid, Far, Ultra-Far),
Final Scaled Stacks,
PSDM Interval Velocities,
PSDM Anisotropy Volumes (Epsilon, Delta, Phi, Theta, Inline & Crossline Dip),
Acquisition Report,
Processing Report