Offshore Oman

2D & 3D Rectified Data Package and 2D Reprocessing Project

Arabian Secrets- Unlocking Oman’s offshore hidden potential

Offshore Oman 2D & 3D Rectified Package 

Searcher has joined forces with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM) of Oman to advance seismic data acquisition and reprocessing across the country. This strategic partnership is geared towards enhancing the imaging of Oman’s unique geology, paving the way for significant exploration opportunities.  

Concentrating on the lucrative offshore basins, we have accomplished the rectification of 2,700 square kilometers of 3D and 31,000 line kilometers of 2D legacy seismic data. By leveraging Searcher’s exclusive post-stack reprocessing method, we have resolved issues related to navigation, metadata, amplitude, phase and time-shifts to create a single, standardised and contiguous data package that can easily be loaded into any interpretation software. 

 Offshore Oman 2D Reprocessing Project 

Focusing on Block 18 in the Sea of Oman, Searcher has completed reprocessing of 4,100 line kilometers of 2D seismic data across two surveys. Reprocessed by DUG Technology, extraordinary uplift has been achieved by applying a modern PSDM broadband processing sequence with diligent multiple removal technologies. Improving the imaging of the remarkable geology is both resolving uncertainties in the thrust and fold belt plays and imaging the hitherto elusive stratigraphy below the decollement surface. These insights are revealing exciting oil prospectivity with unexplored yet significant resource potential. 

Project Size

30,709 km 2D Rectified
2,752 km2 3D Rectified
4,152 km 2D Reprocessed

Project Partners

MEM – Oman

Input Surveys

SDO99BA_1 2D,
OMN18 (originally REP06BA_3)


Rectified 2D
Rectified 3D

Processing: DownUnder GeoSolutions
Processing Completed: 2023
Processing Flow: Kirchhoff PSDM

Kirchhoff Pre-Stack Depth Migration,
Kirchhoff PSDM Full stack and 4 angle stacks,
Kirchhoff PSDM final CDP gathers,
Velocity and anisotropy products