Malvinas and Austral Basins

2D Reprocessing

Malvinas and Austral Basins: Advanced Seismic Reprocessing

Our extensive reprocessing of vintage 2D seismic data, spanning a whopping 19,182 km across the Austral and Malvinas Basins, has resulted in a major enhancement in data quality, which unveils thrilling new potential for prospectivity evaluations across these regions. Improved features like intensified fault systems, sharper prograding clinoforms, and superior imaging of deeper stratigraphy – vital for identifying source pods and understanding intricate basin dynamics – make this endeavour a game-changer.

Notably, the reprocessed data is indispensable for interpreting the complex stratigraphy below the Base Cretaceous Unconformity, offering new revelations into the elusive Jurassic source rock section. This critical insight is pivotal for assessing hydrocarbon potential in these basins. With its rich exploration history, the Austral Basin has already seen over 2 billion barrels of oil equivalent discovered across 51 exploratory wells. To its east, the West Malvinas Basin, formed during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic continental breakup, signifies immense untapped potential. Notwithstanding limited drilling, significant discoveries and oil shows in several wells substantiate the basin’s underexploited potential.

Project Size

11,174 km

Project Partners

DownUnder GeoSolutions

Input Surveys



Processing: DownUnder Geosolutions
Processing Flow: Broadband de-ghosting | SRME | PSTM

Final PSTM Full Angle Stacks,
Final True amplitude PSTM and Angle Stacks (Full, Near, Mid, Far),
Final PSTM CDP Gathers with residual RMO,
Final PSTM Velocity Field,
Final Imaging Velocity Field in Time,
Navigation Data,
Processing Report