Gulspurv Non-Exclusive 3D Seismic Survey
Imaging the Bjørnøyarenna Fault Complex with Precision
The Gulspurv 3D High-Resolution Seismic Survey spans an impressive 1,998 square kilometers, covering the Bjørnøyarenna Fault complex. This well-structured, high-quality data reveals key shallow structures with exceptional clarity, unveiling intriguing potential for exploration within this complex area. Crucial detailed imaging within the shallow section have been achieved, making way for a more comprehensive understanding of stratigraphy, fault geometry and potential reservoir distribution.
Former data processing approaches focused on maintaining the interpretability of the older structural framework, an essential aspect for the thorough understanding of this complex area. The latest Gulspurv reprocessing is distinctly characterised by its focus on preserving high-frequency content through the use of modern demultiple algorithms, interpolation and transforms. In comparison to traditional methods, the reprocessing used a smaller volume (1,310 cu) high-frequency source signature and a shot point interval of 12.5 meters (flip-flop), effectively preserving the integrity of the shallow structural content within the data. The result is a significant elevation in data quality, paving the way for more confident hydrocarbon trap identification.
Project Parameters
Project Size
1,998 km2
Project Partners
Acquisition Parameters
Acquisition Year: 2012
Vessel: M/V Polar Duke
Streamer: Digital Solid Streamer
Source Volume: 1300 cu in
Source Depth: 7m
Streamer Length: 6,000m
Number of Streamers: 12
Streamer Seperation: 75m
Shot Interval: 12.5m
Record Length: 4.5 sec
Sample Rate: 2ms
Processing: Geotrace
Processing Flow: SRME, Kirchoff PTSM
Final Full Angle PSTM Volume (AGC) SEGY,
True Amplitude Angle Stacks (Near, Mid, Far, Full) SEGY,
AVO Products (Intercept, Gradient, IxG) SEGY,
Final NMO Corrected PSTM Gathers (SEGY),
Pre-Migration Radon Gathers SEGY,
Final Stacking Velocity ASCII,
Final Migration Velocity ASCII,
Navigation Data P190, Acquisition Report PDF,
Processing Report PDF