GeoClerk teams up with PESA to unlock technical database
Searcher Seismic is pleased to announce that it has entered into a strategic partnership with PESA, the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, to incorporate, store and present its entire technical data library on GeoClerk’s advanced geo-imagery search platform.
The partnership will provide users of GeoClerk, who are also PESA members, with the ability to access PESA’s technical library consisting of over 4,200 articles derived from various industry publications, conferences, events and symposiums including PESA News, CABS, WABS, EABS and AEGC, dating as far back as 1977. The partnership will also allow Geoclerk users without a PESA membership to realise the extensive holdings of PESA and will highlight one of the benefits of becoming a PESA member.
The addition of PESA’s technical library to the GeoClerk platform complements the extensive back-catalogue of Australian geoscience and industry associations data provided by GeoClerk to support effective and efficient research into the subsurface.
Alan Hopping, VP for Searcher, said, “GeoClerk is very pleased to welcome PESA onto our platform. The inclusion of PESA’s content, particularly the WABS archive will provide PESA members with a level of access and functionality previously unavailable to active members.”
“GeoClerk has seen rapid growth in 2021 with inclusion of mining and petroleum databases provided by governments as well as institutional databases. Coinciding with the partnership with PESA, GeoClerk hit a major milestone with over 18 million images now searchable on the advanced geo-imagery search engine.”
Both Petroleum and Mining editions of GeoClerk are available for subscription with both offering a variety of industry and government database plug-ins.