Bilby Non-Exclusive 2D Seismic Survey
Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential in the Bedout Sub-basin and Broome Platform
The Bilby Non-Exclusive 2D Seismic Survey, spanning over 14,000 km within the Bedout Sub-basin and Broome Platform in Western Australia, is a revelation of modern, high-resolution broadband seismic data. It aims to unveil the potential stratigraphic and structural trends that will lead the way for regional evaluations and strategic future seismic planning.
The Bilby 2D Survey’s technological prowess was powered by the BGP Explorer, making use of advanced Sercel Sentinel Solid Streamer technology, Bolt Source equipment, and continuous recording – setting the benchmark for seismic data processing which was carried out by DownUnder GeoSolutions in Perth. To complement the Bilby 2D survey, Searcher offers the Roebuck 2D Super-Tie Reprocessing and an Offshore Canning Prospectivity Study, to further explore and unlock new insights into the borader offshore Canning region.
Project Parameters
Project Size
14,184 km
Project Partners
Acquisition Parameters
Acquisition Year: 2015/2016
Vessel: BGP Explorer
Streamer: Sercel Sentinel Solid Streamer
Source Volume: 3,480
Source Depth: 6m
Streamer Length: 8,100m
Number of Streamers: 1
Record Length: 8s
Shot Interval: 18.75m
Record Length: 8 sec
Sample Rate: 2ms
Processing: Down Under Geosolutions
Processing Flow: Kirchhoff PSTM
Filtered and Scaled Relative Amplitude Angle Volumes (Near, Mid, Far),
Ultra Far Stack,
Final NMO corrected PSTM Gathers,
Navigation Data,
Processing Report,
RMS Migration Velocities,
RMS stacking Velocities,
Pre Migration Gathers