Gulf of Papua Prospectivity Study

The Emerging Super Basin – Exploring the Gulf of Papua’s Potential

Searcher, in collaboration with partner Discover Geoscience, has conducted a thorough geological review of the Gulf of Papua utilising the robust geotechnical datasets, including reinterpretation of the sequence stratigraphic framework, mapping major tectonostratigraphic elements, seismic facies and Environment of Deposition (EOD) mapping, 1D charge modelling and a Play Concepts & Leads inventory.

This comprehensive study challenged historical misconceptions about crustal nature, heat flow and reservoir presence, unveiling new play types and significant hydrocarbon prospectivity.

Project Partners

Discover Geoscience


Formation Tops for 16 wells reviewed, Chronostratigraphy,
TWT and Depth maps of five key horizons,
Isochron maps,
Environment of Deposition maps at five key ages,
Lead Concepts,
Geoseismic Sections,
Regional Structural Elements Map,
Infill Basement Mapping,
3D Mapping,
1D Basin Modelling,
Interpretation of Davaria survey results,
2D and 3D Lead Portfolio